Wednesday, 22 August 2012

The NeverPhone

What ever happened to the Polaroid SC1630?

I once devised a plan to avoid having to deal with the current state of the mobile phone market. But like a lot of things in life, things are not going to plan, since my little post in April about my findings concerning the 'Smart Camera', not much else has happened, the SC1630 was originally set for release somewhere in the region of July, I've found no evidence of this ever happening.

What's worse? What is worse is it turns out back in 2010, Altek announced this...

Look familiar?
"Hello, my name is samefag"
...Wait a sec, 2010? Two years back, 2 pixels added & nothing else has come of it. I didn't find much on this phone [probably because I couldn't be arsed with it]. The 1630 wasn't just one of the first phones I'd learned the name of in a long time, it was also one of the first phones to memory that I'd researched & waited for. At this point, I don't think it's going to show...

Why a no show?
There were a lot of enthusiastic responses around it's announcement, but I tend to look for the negative [understanding it's weaknesses as important as it's strengths]. The SC1630 apparently isn't that powerful of a machine, if the original hardware is from 2010, how will it cope with the hardships of a OS of 2012 [We move faster & faster]. The only other assumptions left are; disputes over it's Android OS [I don't know who it costs in these situations], the actual rights over the use of the model or even Polaroids stability & ability to even release this device at all.

What the fuck is this shit? Who's carpet is this???

 I won't get tired & stop giving a fuck about it & cave in to a over-priced, unoriginal, ergonomically lacking touch-screen smartphone, waiting to become dated [I wanted this device because it was more a camera than a phone; "Fuck it maaaayne"] OR something else comes along which is an excellent phone COMBINING touch-screen tech with a FUCKING KEYBOARD!

One can only dream....
First world fucking problems

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