Monday, 21 June 2021


A Path to One Thousand

#ENDLESSSHADEPRINT is an ongoing art project on a trail to create 1000 unique art pieces.


SNK's Probotector

Back in 2015 it we had #Shadeprint365, one unique piece of art for each day of the year, a marathon of daily art.

"ⴊaster ⴝystems.s" of the #Shadeprint365 collection

This time around, it's 1000 art pieces, without the rush and restriction of squeezing each one into a single year. As we're nearing closer to the first quarter and it's barely been spoken of or advertised. So this is where the awareness campaign officially starts!

During #Shadeprint365, as always, merch was dropped as part of the art project alongside other forms or media: -


(Left to Right) >Deliver to McFly Residence, Lil Qurt & Simulacrum; all exclusively available via The Shadeprint Threadless Store


Peace, until eternity,


Saturday, 19 June 2021

Official Antifa / BLM / Marvel vs. Capcom / Culture War T-Shirts Drop!


2020 was a WILD year! Being stuck at home, spending so much time interacting via cyberspace, we really got to experience some serious political psychosis. Now we're in 2021 we've already seen insane Trump supporters attack the Capitol, now after a tonne of hype the UK gets "GB News" a low quality, Alt-Right propaganda machine, designed to push our already hard right leaning, Brexit Britain down a dark hole. Ultra fun times.

So we might as well have fun with it and lean into the absurd talking points, why not just own it at this stage?

Is our education system failing us or is it just the juxtaposition of the insane corporate propaganda factories? Who knows? All we can be sure of is somehow the idea of an "Anti-Fascist" is now being twisted into the idea they are the "Real Fascists". It's beyond me how gullible or willing to take a dumb leap you'd have to be to actually believe this.

But if you don't, fuck it! Rock the fresh as hell aNTifA T-Shirt, styled in the vein of the classic WCW wrestling faction the nWo!

nEw wOrLd aNTifA

While aNTifA are being sold to us as the true enemy is one thing, another more insidious talking point is the threat of "Cultural Marxism". Cultural Marxism is a conspiracy theory that has crawled it's way to the top of world politics, anything progressive, anything that questions or challenges the status quo, shit, anything Priti Patel doesn't like is "Cultural Marxism". To think a conspiracy theory that originally grew to prominence in fucking NAZI GERMANY, regularly oozes it's way into my Twitter feed. A near meaningless, blanket term used as a scare tactic on those who only identify with it somehow connecting to the Red Scare of (the now defunct) USSR.

I say run with it, take the branding and make it your own, meme the fuck out of it. Take the meaninglessness they've stacked onto it and twist that shit into magic...Become the ♪ Radical Socialist, Cultural Marxist ♪

Ah shit, I just mentioned Marxism, funnily enough, from what I've learned, Marx's ideas entirely revolve around empowering the worker, paying them their true value, somewhat eliminating the bourgeois, super rich, corporation controlling classes....Wait a sec, could it be that we're being fed propaganda to think this is a bad thing? Anyway, nevermind back to Capitalism, friend of the common man!

Our natural urge to share with one another vs our constantly provoked instinct to protect our hoard, regardless of how much we've stockpiled. Rock the Marxism vs. Capitalism tee, representing the hilarious struggle between the Socialist boogieman and the Capitalist hellhole we absolutely refuse crawl out of.

Marxism vs Capitalism: Culture War Edition

Peace, *Keep fighting the good fight*