Sunday, 7 November 2010

Beat Dump 2: Programme C: Good ol' Tommy (Jus' like that)

This should have been done ages ago...

...Good ol' Tommy was started before "aGnostic Jail" and finished after. During early stages I just stopped, in some sort of creative fear based on the idea that the video is using a repeated theme.
Upon reflection, that shouldn't have mattered, I like it for what it is,that and I couldn't let good ol' Tommy down...

Thursday, 28 October 2010

I am still doing it...

Beat Dump III is well in the works....

I just want to make it special, so it'll take time, these things do.

This post is about, the uploading of links for the first two though...enjoy children...

InapproPirate Ashar - Beat Dump 1

Alternative Ashar - Beat Dump 2

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Beat Dump 2: Programme B: aGnostic Jail

This ended up falling together reasonably well, only problems which bother me was getting the editing all on beat. Subject matter & imagery worked out well, in fact the original sample and premise of the song (once it was completed), matches with the video more accurately and cryptically than ever. There are probably a lot of questions that people won't ask, but still, I am going to answer anyway.

This video, is made up of obviously fake, convincing fakes and some "real" footage of UFO's, so many ideas and philosophies spawned in my head during discussing and even the editing process of this video.
For me this one is especially important to me because of this, the video is mostly about us, people and what we perceive, create & use to our advantages, the selection of footage I used was used due to how impressive it was, much of the footage which seemed more real, was too obscure, ruff & highly samey. A pattern which emerged as I was making this video was the most convincing footage (to me) was the least explainable, confusing?

When we all see UFO's, the first assumption usually is; "That is a spaceship" or "That is a government project they are hiding from us", most fake footage, tries to create both of these ideas in higher detail. The more obscure realistic footage, never truly reveals what we are seeing, we are usually looking at a funny shape/light in the sky, yet, we still believe these are vehicles of some sort (Outside of religion I should add).
I remember watching a TV show/Movie (It was a long time ago), where some tribal people thought a car was a creature they had never encountered, looking at this, in the high tech world see this as a silly thought, it's obviously a machine right?
Thing is, all they knew was the nature, machines were something they hadn't experienced and coming into contact with, humanly, the first rationalisation is, it is something you can connect it to: We see animals, trees, rocks etc, this new thing must be that...right?

Now you probably get my drift, when we see a UFO, we relate to planes, balloons, rockets, space ships and yes, our infinite wisdom suddenly realises, what we are seeing, is what we want to see, those lights in the sky, could be anything, some things beyond our understanding or grasp, we are just those tribal people who only know what is around us & probably somewhere, our assumptions are probably scrutinized by something outside of our understanding...of course assuming this suddenly leads to spiral of paradoxical thinking, since now I'm just assuming myself.

Monday, 11 October 2010

TNA: Bound for Glory V [2010]. 10 ways the Main event could have ended better

So by now, to me....

It's obvious the TNA writing team aren't that good. They done goofed over & over, but I guess the recent angle which has been months in the making (Probably almost a year now*). I could go on & on about the entire construction of these angle alone let alone all of them and the mind boggling booking and use of talent, but I don't to make this into an essay, for these entries are meant to be a easy read.
I'm just going to talk on the last few minutes of the entire show and how I feel it could have been done a little better, this is only my opinion, but I'm sure many would agree some of these 'suggestions' would have made a world of a difference.

*Remember Samoa Joe Kidnapping?

So here's 10 things I feel they should have done:-

10. Implement all of the members of the 'They" Conspiracy instead of just having them walk out.
Sure, Hogan & Bischoff done their part, which wasn't that bad. But Jarrett and Abyss just walked out & gave out hugs.
They could have created so much tension since it was the MAIN EVENT, implementing all of the member of the conspiracy including the conspiracy theorists or maybe even Samoa Joe who got betrayed earlier that night, confusing? Here, have some fan fiction:-

The ref takes his bump (as he did), Hardy ends up outside the ring on his arse, preferably out of sight or camera view. Then...

-Abyss runs in, attacks angle.
-RVD runs in attacks Abyss. Angle stays down, Anderson & Hardy stay...STAY down too.
-Jarrett runs in from the crowd, claps RVD over the head with the Guitar.
-Nash & Sting run in, fight Jarrett & Abyss.
-Nash & Sting send Jarrett & Abyss out of the ring.
-Hogans music hits and he limps down to the ring with Bischoff pleading for him to stop.
-All the guys standing, watch him slooowly entire the ring. All the original match participants still down.
-Bischoff & Hogan get all up in Nash & Stings faces, Bischoff holding a chair to defend himself from Nash. This will hint an nWo reunion swerve.
-Hardy gets to his feet, stands in between both teams, shouting erratically, he snatches the chair, then in the same motion, lays out Sting with the chair. Nash looking on in total confusion.
-Jarrett & Abyss then re-enter the ring, lay out Nash, while Hogan & Bischoff play confused.
-Bischoff, backs up and Hogan holds one of his crutches in a defensive stance.
-Hardy, with Jarrett & Abyss on each side, faces Hogan & Bischoff. Angle & Anderson start to slowly come to.
-Hogan relaxes & hands Hardy the crutch.
-Hardy hits Angle with one, then Hogan throws the other to him to then hit Anderson.
-Then you can either throw in a Samoa Joe beat down to seal the groups menace followed by a even worse Nash beat down (See No.6).
-Then all the usual stuff that follows (See rest below).

9. Something to signify the stable/alliance

Maybe if there wasn't 5 members and 4 betrayals, in one night, it wouldn't have mattered & maybe they wanted to create the corrupted character feeling similar to Hogan betraying the WCW waaayyy back. But...they didn't.

If Jarrett and Abyss showed up, in all white, completely fucking shit up & in some kind of trance like state or acting enlightened (See what I did there?) and Hogan & Bischoff revealed similar threads, it may have some kind of symbolic significance.

8. Better ring positioning
These things are simple, but so damn effective. I'm barely surprised TNA's writing and/or booking team didn't fix this, maybe we'll get to see some footage of this happening later on on Reaction! (That'd be of major significance!)

Whenever a stable gets together (and I'll use TNA examples), like the "Main Event Mafia" or "Fourtune". After whatever treacherous deeds these cruel villains have done to their opponents/victims, they tend to pose in the ring, throwing up gang symbols*, spazzy team taunts** or a chain of arm raisingness.

*See nWo
**See D-Generation-X

7. The Destruction of Someone!
Ever notice how most stables usually "Murder" the guy(s) who were trying to stop their even plans? Or just tend to "Almost Kill" random guys who were there in the wrong place at the wrong time? If you want an example...The Band done it a little while ago to Eric young, his outlined body reminding us of this tragic moment, throughout entire show.

Someone should have been destroyed...and hit once with anything doesn't count, I'm talking everyone's finisher delivered, the use of a table, BLOOD! (That TNA LOVES SO FUCKING MUCH!) & maybe even some Jeff Hardy body paint graffiti.

6. Hey, Maybe Kevin Nash!

Nash supposedly is leaving (has left?) TNA, he was also part of the "They" angle, he also didn't lose his match or get injured.

If he's leaving, supposedly FOREVER, then wouldn't the creative powers that be take advantage of the situation? If Nash tried intervene, they could have destroyed him, like REALLY FUCKED HIM UP, as in "Nash's career was ended by these evil bastards!".
Just try to imagine Hogan proving how evil he is by staring his former team member in the eye as he looks up from his own pool of blood before receiving the impact of Jeff Hardys Swanton
Bomb into the chair that lay on his legs (Those surgically repaired ones), ending his career, making this heel turn even more of a tragedy (and "an irony?").

5. Put. It. Over.

Mike Tenay & Taz really didn't sell the situation that well...really? He always takes the "Speechless" or "Confused" route, Bash at the Beach 1996, the commentary team sold that shit like Hogan just revealed he was Satan himself.
Bash at the Bound for Glory IV 2010, Tenay had nothing original or interesting to say except regurgitated 1996 Bash at the Beach references & Taz only seemed concerned about the title changing hands, maybe he found the angle minor, irrelevant or silly...

Maybe it's the writing teams fault maybe it's theirs, but if that was Vintage Joey Styles, Classic J.R or even Tony Schviavone, they may have burned the words with the moment into our heads...if the moment was better anyway.

4. Anything is worth mentioning at this point...

New faces, seriously, nothing kills a mystery angle more than nothing fresh, we've all seen Jarrett, Abyss, Hardy, Bischoff & (For the love of god) Hogan plenty of times, the swerve of hardy turning heel barely makes enough of an impact.

If the group contained at least ONE person who we haven't been seeing for the past few months, it could have added some shock factor. Random TNA talent piled together turning heel at the biggest event of the year doesn't have a shock factor, it's just another bunch of guys trying to be the nWo....again.

3. So who are "they" anyway?

If TNA are planning on never naming this group...I would not be surprised. Most factions tend to have a name people would call it by, this group however seems to only be known as 'They' at the moment, letting the world know who 'They' are as a stable would have been a powerful statement, but I guess they don't want to right now.

I'd like the idea of them being called the Illuminati or something along the lines of conspirators who infiltrate other groups, sectors or corporations & take it over from the inside...but I'm sure TNA will either not bother name them or push out...'They" T-Shirts, those fantastic masters of marketing.

2. Well it's not like anyone needs a theme yet or anything...oh, wait.

Jeff Hardy, before his match, débuts a brand new theme...I would have never have bothered to add a new theme idea here if this hadn't happened.

This could have played after his victory representing his new heel persona...they could have even added some moody dramatic lighting too, to create a decent imagine before going off air...but hey, I guess a bottle flying over Abyss' head while his back is turned to us is better...yeah, they probably thought about that too...

1. Cut a promo

I'll reference Bash at the Beach 1996 again, because, it was the drama TNA done everything in their power to recreate. The most memorable things were; The Hogan heel turn leg drop & HOGANS PROMO, in fact the promo is said to have been more memorable.

If Jeff Hardy, took the mic and just screamed his lungs out towards the crowd like a raging psychopath, it would have made the moment 100x more effective.

Friday, 20 August 2010

Genesis Does!!!

You can't do this on Nintendo!
More unnecessary T-Shirt designs
, Genesis Does what Nintendon't, slogan taken from
Sega's advertising campaign directly against Nintendo in the early 90's


Monday, 16 August 2010

This panel...

Found it randomly lurking online, imageboards.

Mind bendingly simple. My kind of joke, random, cool, short and odd. This is the kind of thing I'd get tattooed on my shoulder blade, because you can make up a story every time about it, alternating it's depth & meaning.

It is, my inspiration, for some future projects....let's see how far I'll go....

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Another Beat Dump Re-Upload

For all of those loyal fans...Hello? Is anyone there?

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Official Shadeprint T-Shirts!

On sale now!

I've uploaded some of my designs on, they're available to buy Online & also available in sticker & child clothes! And in multiple colours too!

Check 'em out and buy a dozen!

Sweet 600%
T-Shirt: £12.60.

Drippy Shadeprint
T-Shirt: £12.60.

Haters Gon' Hate
T-Shirt: £12.60.

T-Shirt: £12.60.

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Tuesday, 27 April 2010


Once upon a time, I created a Myspace page...then forgot about it...

Beat Dump 2 (Re-Upload)

Turns out all of the older links are now dead.
Here's the official separated track, album artwork, final release.

Hold tight for Beat Dump 3.

And as a last minute bonus, the Original Beat Dump Re-Upp'd too:-

Monday, 22 March 2010

Beat Dump 2 Feelings/Responses

I love you people...

So, what'd people think of my second outing to creating something similar to a digital beat tape?
Here are some comments from some people I know...

"Not Will Farrell?! Damn!" - Sam Patel

"your a genious! nothing more, nothing less. ♥" - Natalia Angela Silva

"Forcing lazy nugga's to listen loool" - Erance Myrmidon Clarke

"it sounds sik styl" - Nathan 'Crucial' Stewart

"I feel like although you're keeping the same strudy formula, you're
refreshing my ears"
- Ahmed Aries Abdillahi

"Good lord this looks interesting"
- Jonathan Flanagan

"Get a job!" - Toby Na Nakhorn

...So check it out, Alternative Ashar - Beat Dump 2

Friday, 19 March 2010

Alternative Ashar - Beat Dump 2

I'm really tired so I'll make this brief...

In the link below you'll find a website linking you a download link, delivering you a WinRAR file, containing a folder, which contain Alternative Ashar's Beat Dump 2, (Also within that folder is a folder leading to album artwork).


Friday, 12 March 2010

Beat Dump 2


....Beat Dump 2 is complete, but, I have no album cover, not to mention a track name I want to change. I have, however, uploaded the entire album, tracks un-separated, as soon as the cover(s) are complete, the track names are set & the other things I needed to get done are done...well you know how it goes...

Beat Dump 2


Friday, 1 January 2010

InapproPirate Video Dump 1 (Programme B)

"Slick On Stage"

A cut by Morphogeist, from the usual InapproPirate Beat Dump 1.

Here is a nice new refresh download link for the album too...

InapproPirate Video Dump 1

Been busy as hell, the world likes money.

Here is the first of a few videos give the little compilation some more rotation.

Destroya - Rule Breakaaa


"*dies from awesomeness of this vid* "

"...breaking all the rulez with musical collage of influences, kinda reminds of Daft Punk in a way..."

"nyce you seem a very talented component..."